Tuesday 21 June 2016

Just An Introduction

Hello there, and welcome to BluPrysm! As is probably customary when beginning a new project like this, I had better write an introduction, despite the fact that there is a very high chance that nobody will ever read it. I guess that's not the point, at least writing an introduction might at least give me that psychological push to actually start doing this properly.

So a bit about me. My name is Jason, I'm in my late twenties and I live in Essex, England. For better or for worse I've lived in this area my whole life, attended a local state school and went straight out to work at seventeen. Whilst I may not have gone to University, I've done multiple jobs in my time, learnt a lot of skills from different work places and have gained a lot vocational education. At home I also do my fair bit of reading on practically every subject, and my interest in almost everything is one of the biggest reasons for writing this blog in the first place because I'd like to share what I've learnt.

The other big reason for keeping a blog is to try and keep me in  practice of writing regularly. I have a selection of Science-Fiction stories I'd like to write, which I intend on starting soon, a lot of which will likely come up in this blog occasionally. When the stories are complete I'm not entirely sure how I will go about publishing, I'll have to wait and see what the best option is at the time, but I'm holding out hope that people would be willing to purchase it.

So what is the blog about then, other than just plugging books that are yet to be written?

Another big reason for keeping this blog, other than simple writing practice is to give myself a some drive into kicking the habit of living a purely sedentary lifestyle. For too long I've sat playing computer games and binge-watching TV Series, and I really would like to make a change to that, especially in the summer months. I'd also like to make a big change to my awful diet too, and as a result will likely be posting healthy cooking triumphs on here (as well as failures for balanced reporting) to encourage others out there to have a go too.

One way to give myself an excuse to get out of the house is to start filming with a 360 camera for VR content on my Youtube account. I intend on getting one very soon (probably a Samsung Gear 360) and it is my intention to travel the country visiting places of interest and traversing mountains etc, to bring beautiful places to life through Virtual Reality for those who for whatever reason, cannot visit them themselves. The whole point is to hopefully cash in on VR content before the industry explodes, and give me some real motivation to go travelling.

Other than these points, I'm also interested in aviation, paganism, nature and wildlife, and intend (eventually) on doing wildlife and aviation photography/videography. This blog will also occasionally include some (hopefully) interesting articles on history and current affairs. Finally, I'm also in the middle of sorting out a gardening company start-up for six months time, so I may well end up posting garden related content too!

Thanks for reading!

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